Home cooking should be really simple, easy and stress-free but some dishes are truly worth the extra time and effort. That’s right, the Classic EGGS BENEDICT is a favorite of many and must be tried at least once during the holiday season. We give you the opportunity to make this amazing dish at your homes with finesse and treat your family to this scrumptious breakfast that’ll compete with any other dish out of a Michelin Star Kitchen. 

There are many variations to a Classic dish like this, the one we’ll be making today is Eggs Benedict with Chicken Sausages topped off with the most creamy, rich and buttery Hollandaise Sauce.



- For The Poached Egg:

Two Whole Eggs.



Approximately a Teaspoon of Vinegar. (A little Splash)


- For The Hollandaise Sauce:

Three Egg yolks.

A Teaspoon of Vinegar.

A Teaspoon of freshly squeezed Lemon Juice.

One Fourth (1/4) Teaspoon of Salt.

One Eighth (1/8) Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper. (Just a Pinch)

Half (1/2) a Cup of Luke Warm, Melted Butter (Unsalted).


- For The Eggs Benedict:  

Two Whole English Muffins.

Two Chicken Sausages (Sliced Thinly)


We'll start off by preparing the most intricate and crucial element of the dish, that is the Hollandaise Sauce. Put a large pot filled almost three-quarters of the way with water and put it over the flame to bring it to a boil. In the meantime, separate three egg yolks from the whites and put them in a bowl. Add in a teaspoon of vinegar to the yolks and put that bowl over the boiling water. Once the bowl is in place, start whisking the mixture until it has a creamy texture to it. Gradually add in the melted butter, slowly working it in with the whisk. Make sure that you’re whisking properly, otherwise the butter and yolks won’t incorporate properly and the sauce will split. Next, add in a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and keep on whisking until you have a custard-like composition or texture to your sauce. Once the required texture is there, take your bowl off the water bath and set it aside.

Next, put a non-stick iron pan over medium flame and pour a couple of teaspoons of oil. Once the pan is warn enough, put in the sliced sausages and cook until they’re brown or properly crisped up.

Now, for the base of the benedict, slice the muffins into two pieces and toast them in the same pan as the sausages so that they can soak up those aromatic juices from the pan.

Lastly, to poach the eggs, again use a large pot filled almost three-quarters of the way with water and put it over the flame to bring it to a boil. Lightly season the water with some salt, pepper and just as splash of vinegar. When the water starts boiling, turn down the flame/heat a little and spin the water around with a whisk. Crack the eggs into a small cup and gently add to the spinning water. Just as the eggs start move up to the top of the water, it indicates that they’re cooked and ready to be taken out of the pot.


- Now that all the components are ready, let’s start build all those ingredients together.

-        - Put the toasted English Muffins onto a plate.

-        Top off each muffins with a few slices of those sausages.

-        - Gently place the poached egg over the sausages.

-        And lastly, coat your dish with that rich and creamy Hollandaise to bring it all together.

-        OPTIONAL GARNISHING: Finely dice some scallions and dress them over the assembled dish.

Let’s face it, this Eggs Benedict with crispy Chicken Sausages is perfect for any special occasion and would make anyone’s day special!!!

* For a complete recipe on how to make English Muffins from scratch, please click the image below. 
